maanantai 24. kesäkuuta 2013

...there was nothing...

I just wanted to draw a hand and somehow at some point Plato and the allegory of the cave popped to my mind. Is there another reality behind the palm of his hand? Is our reality just a mere shadow of the real deal?
Well, I'm his god anyways so he is screwed.

maanantai 17. kesäkuuta 2013

yeah, I have no idea...

I have no idea what it is, I like it though. I've been so busy and thus, tired, that it starts to affect my mermory, I don't remember any agreed meetings or even the simplest shopping list that I've received via phone just minutes ago... Two more weeks and my summer vacation finally starts.

lauantai 8. kesäkuuta 2013


...that you Neo?

For those who wonder the changing image quality, my Lumia 920 had to be repaired once again so I've been taking some of the photos with my old HTC Desire Z. I got the Lumia back last week and so far so good... nothing's broken... yet. And I must speed up the posting process if I've taken this week ago already, sorry sorry!

I'm happy how this turned out. It's pretty much just how I planned it to be from the first draw. This took a while to complete as I'm doing my job at few different locations nowadays and I don't carry the post-it notes with me :)

I also found my old post-it stash and there is at least one picture never seen here ... so stay tuned!

Oh yeah, guys, girls, please tell me which is your favourite doodle so far?

I was thinking moving this blog to tumblr... what do you think, should I?

maanantai 3. kesäkuuta 2013

Out of ink!

that's not a solution!!!
Sorry for the late post... I blame summer :)
It's dead! I just filled the remaining empty spaces with anything that came out from the pen.
Let's hope that the suicidal frog doesn't make the jump... He'll get over this sudden (sad) change of events eventually. He-hey! Two posts a day, what a treat... thanks to the ¤#*$*@¤ crappy mobile app... oh, I managed to remove it, HA! I don't usually have many images ready at once, but this one I started as a test as I noticed that the pen is not working properly... I still managed to get it work at times, but in the end the ink just faded away... anyhow, this was done in 10 to 20 minutes while working so I took a photo of it while I posted the Noir. Thanks to some crappy Blogger app I managed post this accidentally. It took me a while to find the button to revert the post so some lucky ones have seen this one few weeks ago :)

I was actually thinking if I'd buy a bunch of real artist pens and try out this "flow of mind/random lines" theme to a bit bigger paper. I still don't want to plan anything ahead, but I find myself enjoying more and more of these pictures that turn out representing atleast something recognizable :)

Ps. remind me not to use the Blogger app for Android EVER again...