tiistai 26. helmikuuta 2013


I think that this is one of the coolest post-it drawings that I've made, but I don't like the fact that it is too ... pre-planned.

This one I made while watching Battlestar Galactica series at home and it actually started as a skull drawing test. Few days later I started to add random shapes around it. Pretty soon it started to look a bit grim and nightmarish and I continued to follow that path knowingly. I was planning to fill the whole note with random lines and shapes, but I didn't want to ruin the "feeling" and I stopped. It however took me several evenings to do this as I was REALLY careful how to continue. Fortunately there's four BSG seasons :)

------- Love-------

Well, that's the word that I still feel when watching this... The love is beautiful, but oh so hard, merciless and grim thing. Due to my fiancé's long and, eh,  difficult pregnancy I was a bit depressed when I did this and I felt that I needed to make a point ... that love is dead or love you to death, what ever. Maybe I was listening to this when I got the idea, who knows.

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