perjantai 31. tammikuuta 2014


Beer! GOOD! ... 
Napster! BAAAAD!

Right, a quick one. Last few minutes at the office and this is pretty much the only thing that went in my mind. It's sad that I don't have any of those here at home. Aand I think that I'm too lazy to go outside and freeze my ass off to get any. At least it's weekend again, YAY!

torstai 16. tammikuuta 2014

I'm back!

It's been a while. Happy new year to you all and stuff \o/.

"Let's see how many notes I manage to produce at home now that I'm supposed to be the housewife for the rest of the year :p" ... the answer is zero -___-

The seven week paternity leave was rough as hell. Not because I needed to take care of the kid but mostly because none of my friends are at work during the day so I was forced to be alone with my son most of the day... and it gets boring really quickly. There is a certain limit how many times "what does the dog say?" "woof woof" is amusing. :p For some vague pregnancy reasons I also needed to take care of the kid after office hours so majority of my time went with the kid... and rest of the day 20:00-> I spent with Netflix and World of Tanks :p

So, the picture, I don't like it.I forgot it to the office before the leave and I tried to continue it afterwards but I quickly ran out of ideas and interest. I like the few faces in there though.