tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2014

Bonus note!

DING DING DING! Bonus round!

Dungeon... flower... thing with a miniature bonus note!

The whole family has been sick, now that sucks. It's Tuesday evening 22:30 and it's my first time at the computer since last Friday, yay! Thank [insert deity here] for the Netflix and 5" screen smartphones. :p

It was fun to create this one. I don't know if it actually represents anything, but it was fun and easy. And I decided to add a mini-bonus note because I've been keeping forgetting to update the blog lately ^__^.

I have one new note ready and I'll try to post it in few days, kthxbai o/

tiistai 11. helmikuuta 2014

No excuses

The winter came! and went away!
Been busy, forgot to post new notes...

Thanks to the crappy winter it's been surprisingly easy project to continue cycling through the winter. I bought Schwalbe Ice Spiker Pro studded winter tires so the ice isn't a problem. When it's cold the snow is easy to deal with as it's so light. It's not too slippery, and the trails and bumps don't suck the tire in...  However, the crappy winter continues and it's not even icy anymore... wet slush, now that is difficult stuff to pedal through :p The front tire just keeps searching for any solid contact with the ground. Just when you start to feel comfortable the tire climbs on top of the snow and your balance is off... And just when you think that it's going to be ok again the tire plunges through the slush moving the front part of the bike 10 cm left or right and the balance is off again. And good luck trying to steer through any tight corners.

It's still fun as hell though!